The GREEN, YELLOW, and RED Rooms of The DiSC DiSCO

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Visit this page to learn more about Polyvagal Theory, especially if you are wondering what I mean by GREEN, YELLOW, and RED below. 🙂

D (Dominance) Part

  • Green: In a state of safety and social engagement, the D part is assertive, confident, and driven, effectively leading and making decisions.
  • Yellow: Under stress or perceived threat, it may resort to being overly aggressive or controlling, as it tries to reassert control over the environment.
  • Red: In a shutdown state, this part could feel a sense of powerlessness or defeat, markedly losing its usual drive and assertiveness. The typical action-oriented approach gives way to inertia, as the part struggles to find viable paths to influence or control outcomes.

i (Influence) Part

  • Green: When feeling safe and connected, the i part is sociable, persuasive, and full of enthusiasm, thriving on interaction and positive reinforcement.
  • Yellow: Facing stress, it might amplify its efforts to gain attention or approval, becoming excessively attention-seeking or frantic in its interactions.
  • Red: In shutdown, the i part might retreat into social withdrawal, experiencing a profound sense of isolation and disconnection, losing its inherent joy in social engagement and feeling unable to reach out or connect.

S (Steadiness) Part

  • Green: In a supportive environment, the S part is calm, supportive, and cooperative, valuing stability and harmony in relationships.
  • Yellow: When stressed, this part may become overly accommodating or passive, prioritizing others’ needs and stability over self-advocacy.
  • Red: Facing overwhelming stress or danger, the S part could experience a profound numbness or disconnection, withdrawing into itself and losing its capacity to reach out or engage with others, reflecting a deep need to protect itself from further harm.

C (Conscientiousness) Part

  • Green: Operating from a place of security, the C part is methodical, analytical, and detail-oriented, valuing precision and order.
  • Yellow: In response to increasing stress, it might become paralyzed by perfectionism or overly critical, stuck in analysis paralysis, unable to move forward due to fear of mistakes.
  • Red: In a state of shutdown, the C part could be overwhelmed by the fear of failure or criticism, experiencing a deep sense of hopelessness or inertia, feeling unable to meet the high standards it sets for itself and thus choosing inaction as a protective measure.

And remember: We all have more that 4 parts! Get to know your parts and have a healthy and awesome relationship with them!