Dr. Wayne Dyer spoke about the ego being the “earth guide only,” the lower level of awareness within each of us that views us as separate from everyone and everything
About five years ago, friend gave me a birthday card depicting a cat comically endangering his little life. On the inside it read “Do One Thing That Scares You Everyday.”
What Are the Dimensions of Wellness? Emotional Wellness – Positive life outlook, authentic positive emotions (e.g. joy, awe, interest, gratitude, amusement, love, etc) outnumbering negative ones (goal is a 3:1 ratio
As with all content on this site, this content is meant for personal development and wellness and not intended to be a substitute for getting professional guidance and help. If
Note: To see our Growing List of Playful Rituals, click here! I was off to facilitate a wellness workshop called Me on Purpose and I knew I wanted to start
Cognitive reframing involves identifying and then changing the way you look at a situation, based on “reframing” a thought. It’s about shifting your perspective to see things in a new,
My smile may say it all, but if you need more convincing on the power of music, watch YOUR BRAIN ON MUSIC: They always say “Mother knows best.” (And by
Ah, summer. Since we’re just about halfway through the season we thought it proper time to collect some of our favorite summer pastimes — ways to take advantage of the
In the age of seemingly unattainable wellness and constant connectivity, with people loading their schedule with 5am workouts, 12-16 hour workdays, healthy cooking, moderate coffee consumption, and a plethora of
Have you ever noticed that we Westerners are obsessed with setting goals? If you’re not making six-figures, you should be. If your scale is tipping over 115 lbs, you better