What Are the Dimensions of Wellness? Emotional Wellness – Positive life outlook, authentic positive emotions (e.g. joy, awe, interest, gratitude, amusement, love, etc) outnumbering negative ones (goal is a 3:1 ratio
Note: To see our Growing List of Playful Rituals, click here! I was off to facilitate a wellness workshop called Me on Purpose and I knew I wanted to start
In the age of seemingly unattainable wellness and constant connectivity, with people loading their schedule with 5am workouts, 12-16 hour workdays, healthy cooking, moderate coffee consumption, and a plethora of
Small Businesses – Big on Wellness If you haven’t heard of “sprints” yet, they are simply time blocks, usually 2 weeks, whereby there are agreed sprint goals, and the work
In my last post, I wrote about the difference between aggressive, passive and assertive behavior styles. In short, aggressive people tend to walk all over others (or try to), passive people
We all know them, the friend that fly’s off the handle at a waiter in a restaurant, the roommate that covered the house in post-its instead of talking, the coworkers
I’m ever-curious about what we need to suck up, verses what is simply NOT OKAY. In dealing with clients for over a decade and a half now, I have gotten