Podcast Episode 40: Getting Psyched Up with Master Hypnotist Jodie Solberg, CHT, CPRT

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I recently had the honor of sitting down with Jodie Solberg, a leading Mental Wellness and Success Coach, Certified Master Hypnotherapist, Transformational Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, and the founder and CEO of Psyched Up Success. Our conversation delved into the transformative world of hypnosis, mental wellness, and how to live in alignment with passion and values.

Jodie has dedicated her life to helping purpose-driven professionals heal from trauma and anxiety, remove mental blocks, and achieve their personal and professional goals. Her approach emphasizes work-life harmony, beating burnout, and creating real and lasting change.

The Power of Hypnotherapy

Dr. Alfred A. Barrios discovered these remarkable success rates for hypnotherapy versus other therapeutic methods:

  • Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
  • Behavior Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
  • Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions

These statistics highlight the incredible efficacy of hypnosis as a therapeutic method, which Jodie masterfully integrates into her practice.

Join Us for an Inspiring Conversation

If you’re interested in mental wellness, overcoming anxiety, achieving success, or understanding the profound effects of hypnosis, this episode is for you. Jodie’s passion and expertise shine through as she shares her joy in helping others find confidence, voice, and a life they love.

To connect with Jodie Solberg, visit her website at www.psychedupsuccess.com. You can also follow her on social media on Instagram or Facebook.

For those interested in taking their mental wellness journey to the next level, reach out to Jodie Solberg directly to book a free 30 minute explore call.

Invite to try Finding Feelings (1x a day)

This is a fantastic practice. Shorty, sweet, effective and non-pathologizing. By taking time everyday to enjoy this Finding Feelings exercise, we are not overriding our feelings or body’s cues. Here’s what you do:

  • Take 3 mindful breaths.
    Just be. Breathe trough your nose, and out through your mouth. Counting as fast of slow as you wish, do the 4-7-8 breath:
    – In for 4 counts
    – Hold for 7
    – Exhale for 8
  • Identify your feelings and state them as “I am feeling…” (versus “I am…)
  • Notice what is going on in your body and state “I am experiencing…”
  • Take 3 more mindful breathes.
  • Notice: Did anything shift? Is there something you notice would like to shift? What do you need right now? What does your body need?
  • Give yourself what you need to shift that.