5 Benefits of Lucid Dreaming

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Editor’s Note: If you are reading this before March 25, 2022, sign up for this free event: Remarkable Results of the Lucid Dream Healing PTSD Study. Charlie Morley  is a bestselling author and teacher of lucid dreaming, shadow integration, and Mindfulness of Dream & Sleep. If you are reading this post after March 22, 2022, you can read Charlie’s book and take his MindValley course. (In the future Jessika Jake will share her 5 star review of this course — she highly recommends it.)

Did you know that lucid dreaming can help you achieve your goals? Lucid dreaming is the process of being aware that you are dreaming, being in control of your actions within the dream, while also influencing the content of your dream. This may sound like a far-fetched idea, but there are many benefits to lucid dreaming that have been proven by science. In this blog post, we will discuss 5 surprising benefits of lucid dreaming and how to hack your brain for success!

#1 Lucid dreaming has been shown to increase problem-solving skills. In one study, participants who practiced lucid dreaming were able to solve complex problems more quickly than those who did not practice lucid dreaming. The ability to think creatively and flexibly is a valuable skill in both our personal and professional lives.

#2 Lucid dreaming can also help you overcome your fears. If you are afraid of public speaking, for example, you can use lucid dreaming to practice your speech in front of a large audience. This will help you to become more comfortable with the idea of public speaking and reduce your anxiety around the activity.

#3 Lucid dreaming can also improve your memory. In one study, participants who practiced lucid dreaming were able to remember more details from their dreams than those who did not practice lucid dreaming. This is because lucid dreaming allows you to focus your attention on specific details that you want to remember.

#4 Lucid dreaming can also help you achieve your goals. In one study, participants who practiced lucid dreaming were more likely to achieve their goals than those who did not practice lucid dreaming. This is because lucid dreaming allows you to visualize your goals and take action to achieve them.

#5 Lucid dreaming can also increase your creativity. In one study, participants who practiced lucid dreaming were more likely to come up with creative solutions to problems than those who did not practice lucid dreaming; This is because lucid dreaming allows you to tap into your subconscious mind, which is a storehouse of creativity.

Bonus Benefit #6: If you are interested in this one, make sure you work with your medical professional, because this one is all about healing trauma. A study done with individuals who had suffered from car accidents found that those who practiced lucid dreaming had less fear and anxiety around driving. This is likely because they were able to work through their trauma in a controlled environment where they could feel safe and in control.

So there you have it—five surprising benefits of lucid dreaming. If you’re looking for a way to boost your problem-solving skills, memory, creativity, and goal-achievement, and even heal past traumas (work with your medical professional for this one!), then lucid dreaming can be a great option. And it’s not as difficult as you might think! All you need to do is become aware of your dreams and learn how to influence them. With a little practice, you’ll be hacking your brain for success in no time!

We will post more on this topic in the future, but if you can’t wait, search more on the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) technique and the Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SSILD) technique, as these have been shown to be quite fruitful.
