Based on the teachings of John Moore, I better understand the distinction between soul and Spirit; the soul is more physical-leaning (body facing, e.g. classical physics), and the Spirit is formless (quantum physics). I see the Spirit as 100% bright and perfect. It can’t be scathed or imprinted. The soul however can take on imprints of all sorts. This is also in line with NDE (near death experience) accounts, and accounts of verified mediums that “there’s only one place,” and sometimes those who cross over need to have their energies “cleaned up.”
My questions then ventured into the territory of the persistence of personality beyond the physical plane. Verified evidential medium Suzanne Giesemann often talks about how though sometimes the personalities of those who crossed over are the same: “Grumpy on Earth grumpy there,” other times she gets a signal to signify, “My eyes are wide open, and now I’m true love.”
Medium Mary Ann Winkowski’s book, As Alive, So Dead, has lots of accounts of prevailing personality, hence the awesome book title! At the IANDS conference in 2022, one speaker (who died and came back) talked about how hilarious she still was when she was dead. And then there were others who spoke of how they were so different that their families didn’t even recognize them (behavior / personality-wise).
The idea that the soul can be imprinted, and we can carry that imprint with us when we cross over, makes sense. Our parts can certainly imprint our soul. And we can also have a spontaneous unburdening via NDEs, pivotal experiences, etc. (This is called a Quantum Change Experience.)
I very excitedly (way too excitedly) asked Vincent Todd Tolman about personality, and here’s his answer (I cleaned this up a little): “Personality is essentially the imprint or the effect of having the existence here in combination with the personality that was already there before we began here… So just like you you can go to college and you might grow a mustache, or start growing a beard, or start working out, like it doesn’t change us completely who we are, but it changes attributes of who we are, right? So our Higher Soul was our Higher Soul before we got here… Then when we come here, we’ll take on some of the attributes…. Like for instance, when I would see Spirits or see other Souls on the other side, if I could not pick out a distinct sex — like I couldn’t tell if they’re male or female — that was the easy way for me to know “Oh, they’ve never been to Earth before.”
In hearing Kay Gardner speak about Self Energy varying from one person to another (the expression of the 8 C’s), it made me think of a prism… Like our undying Spirit (maybe this equates with Self) is projected through a prism (perhaps the soul is the prism?), with different mixes of light, with the colors relating to the 8C’s?
Following this line of thinking and musing, the soul, with its potential for diverse frequencies (and imprints), interfaces with the physical body, so now we’re entering the domain of classical physics. This interaction is where the formless meets form, where the infinite possibilities of quantum Consciousness begin to express through the finite, physical expressions of our human existence. The body, with its neural and energetic infrastructure, becomes the conduit for the soul’s expression through human experience. This infrastructure allows for the soul’s imprints to be lived, learned from, healed, etc.
Maybe here we need to look to the research that says the beyond the veil connection lies at the alpha-theta threshold. Why? So we can dance the line (or grayscale range) where formless meets form. We can then assume Self/Self energy has the wave of alpha-theta (Spirit).
Conscious Awareness projected through a body breathes consciousness into parts. Parts may operate in the beta wave state, and others; parts operating in the beta wave state might correspond to our everyday waking consciousness, focusing on tasks, logic, and interaction with the physical world. Meanwhile, parts that connect more directly with the Spirit might emerge more prominently in the alpha-theta states, facilitating creativity, intuition, and spiritual insight. Burdened parts may operate at dense wave states. Unburdening may bring them into a more Spirit-aligned frequency. Parts are also affected by the shape of the biological spacesuit (body and brain). If there is damage, then the local consciousness is affected, limited.
Maybe here we need to embrace the nonlocal mind theory. Why? Because though Phineas Gage’s personality radically changed after his accident, I would maintain that his Spirit was 100% perfect. Nonlocal mind explains a lot of phenomena, not the least of which is terminal lucidity. Someone who suffered dementia for decades may have moments of clarity right before death. This suggests being tuned into the formless (nonlocal mind) vs the form (local mind limited by the local brain’s infrastructure).