Courage: Making a Distinction Between Psyche-driven Courage and Your Quantum Self’s Innate Courage

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Have you heard of Internal Family Systems (IFS)? It’s an evidence-backed model used in coaching and therapy that sees us having different ‘parts’ within ourselves, like little characters with their own feelings and roles. It’s pretty fascinating how these parts interact and sometimes even argue with each other! But the cool part is, parts only ever have helpful intent. Additionally there is a “part that’s not a part” called Self. Founder Richard Schwartz, PhD has said that “Self is like light: it’s like a particle and a wave.” Thus, our leadership teachings here (which, as you may know are post-materialistic and infuse quantum perspectives) are completely aligned with IFS. We have taken to use the terms: quantum spirit, quantum soul, and have actually gotten better and betterer and decided to try to use Quantum Self these days. This makes it easier to integrate IFS in all of our endeavors and adventures! Per, IFS when we connect with our ‘Self,’ which is like our wise and compassionate core essence, we can bring harmony to our inner world. That’s right: a harmonious inner fam.

So when we are being courageous, how do we know if this courage comes from a part or from our Quantum Self?

Courageous Part:

This may be internally experienced as a dialogue or “talking yourself into” something. There’s efforting on the part of the biological space suit. The internal experience of courage Courageous Part might involve a sense of determination and effort, like a motivational coaching character that pushes you forward despite fear or uncertainty. You might notice a surge of energy, a boost in confidence, or a feeling of resolve as this part becomes active. It might encourage you to take action, face fears, and embrace challenges head-on. Internally, there could be a sense of strength and boldness, almost like a rallying call to confront whatever is causing apprehension or discomfort.

  • The Courageous Part is an internal aspect of a person’s psyche that embodies qualities of bravery, determination, and fearlessness.
  • This part can become active when facing difficult or challenging situations, motivating the individual to confront fears and take bold actions.
  • It often supports risk-taking and resilience, enabling the person to step outside their comfort zone and pursue meaningful goals despite potential obstacles.
  • The Courageous Part may draw on past experiences of triumph over adversity or challenging situations to bolster confidence and encourage taking courageous steps.
  • It can also operates under the guidance of Self Energy, aligning its actions with the individual’s core values and sense of purpose.

Courage (as one of the 8 C’s of Self):

The internal experience of courage when coming from the Self is different from that of the Courageous Part. It is characterized by a deeper sense of calm, clarity, and centeredness. Courage arising from the Self might not involve efforting or pushing yourself forward. Instead, it might feel like a natural response to life’s challenges, guided by a profound sense of inner wisdom and compassion. There’s a sense of being grounded, supported, and connected to a source of strength that isn’t reliant on external motivation or determination. Courage from the Self can be more about gentle yet firm conviction, as it aligns with your core values and a deep understanding of what truly matters to you.

  • Courage is one of the 8 C’s in IFS, which are essential qualities associated with the Self. These qualities naturally emerge when the individual is in Self Energy.
  • Courage in IFS refers to the capacity to face challenges, emotions, and experiences with openness and bravery, rather than avoidance or suppression.
  • It involves acknowledging and embracing all parts of oneself, including those that might be vulnerable or wounded, without judgment or fear.
  • Courage also entails the willingness to explore and heal past traumas or painful experiences with self-compassion and without overwhelming reactivity.
  • When in Self Energy and embodying courage, the person can approach life with a sense of groundedness and a capacity to navigate difficulties with grace and resilience.

From the post-materialistic perspective we can also consider this courage (Self / Quantum Self “C” courage) as intuition. This is an expression of deep spiritual alignment, trust in inner guidance, and a willingness to act in service of a higher purpose. It involves transcending personal fears and ego-driven desires, and naturally exuding acts of love and compassion. This form of courage is a profound and transformative force that can lead to acts of profound significance and profound positive impact on both oneself and the world around them. I connect this too to the Will. (The capital W there indicates that I’m talking about the Will of your Quantum Self.) However, I will write about Will (and will) another day. 😉

Courage as intuition is a profound and powerful concept that transcends the day-to-day, typical understanding of courage. In this context, courage goes beyond mere bravery or fearlessness in the face of challenges; it becomes a manifestation of deep spiritual wisdom and guidance. Here’s how courage can be seen as connected to intuition:

  1. Aligned with Higher Purpose: Courage as intuition is not driven by ego or personal gain. Instead, it arises from a deep alignment with one’s higher purpose or spiritual calling. It is an intuitive knowing that certain actions or decisions are in harmony with the greater good or a higher truth.
  2. Trust in Inner Guidance: When courage comes from intuition, it involves trusting and heeding the inner guidance of the Quantum Self (spirit, core essence, Self, Higher Self etc). It is a profound sense of knowing that emerges from a place of deep connection with one’s inner wisdom and divine source.
  3. Beyond Rational Calculation: Intuition-driven courage goes beyond rational calculation or external validation. It involves a profound trust in the wisdom of the heart and an understanding that the path of the soul might not always align with conventional logic or societal norms.
  4. Transcending Fear: While traditional courage may involve overcoming fear, intuition-driven courage transcends fear altogether. It is a courageous act that emerges from a place of inner peace and alignment with the divine, making fear seem less significant in comparison to the higher purpose at hand.
  5. Acts of Love and Compassion: Intuition-driven courage is often rooted in acts of love and compassion. It is motivated by a desire to serve others and contribute to the greatest good, rather than seeking personal recognition or reward.
  6. Connection to Unitative Awareness (Conscious Universe, Larger Consciousness System, etc): Courage as intuition arises from a deep connection to universal consciousness (and beyond!). It is a recognition of the interconnectedness of all and an understanding that our actions can have far-reaching effects on the collective consciousness (and beyond!).