Iffirmations: $, Astral, Lucid Dreaming, and Mediumship

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Move Over Affirmations – Iffirmations Give Your Beliefs a Rapid Remix!

How to do it:

  • Try this Iffirmational Havening when you are not stressed (if stressed you can use a Havening Protocol for stress first)
  • If you are not familiar with Havening, please watch these 2 videos first: Havening Explainer and EMLI
  • Understand that I am not a medical professional. I deal with derailers, not disorders. I also help people modify beliefs and habits and help them to increase their well-being and resilience. See site disclaimer.
  • Watch the video below
  • Take note of the 4 steps (below the video); You really don’t need to try any of the other (optional) steps
  • Find a What if… question that you like from one of the lists below, or come up with your own.
  • Go through the steps while applying Havening Touch, advancing only when it feels right/true.

Iffirmational Havening in 4 Steps:

  • What if?
  • I can be…
  • I will be…
  • I am…

Additional things to haven on by injecting into the above sequence (for example I have used the first 2 options below with my clients and it really helped them embody the “I can” step; I use the last bullet with myself):

I’m hopeful that… (e.g. do before the What if? step)

Imagination/Memory after I can… Tap into a memory when you actually showed up with this quality (if applicable) and/or use your imagination to create a scene where you have this quality (like a Superhero) ***Make it magical not practical***

Not mentioned in the video, but I’m a fan of Christie Marie Sheldon’s lofty questions, e.g. “Why am I such a money magnet?” and also pondering from Tony Burgess’s book Beliefs and How to Change them… for Good!: “It’s easier than I think because…”

CREDITS: Tony Burgess came up with Iffirmations and Iffirmational Havening. The structure I use (4 steps) is based on Dr. Kate Truitt’s CPP, Creating Possibilities Protocol.

If you have not yet checked out Havening Touch, please watch the videos on this page. Bonus points for listening to/watching this podcast episode.


  1. What if I am a money magnet, effortlessly attracting wealth and abundance into my life?
  2. What if money flows to me easily and consistently, from both expected and unexpected sources?
  3. What if I release all limiting beliefs I have about money and embrace my unlimited potential for wealth?
  4. What if I am truly worthy of financial abundance and success in all areas of my life?
  5. What if I am grateful for the money that comes into my life and manage it wisely?
  6. What if I am open to receiving large sums of money with grace and gratitude?
  7. What if I am aligned with the energy of prosperity and financial freedom?
  8. What if I deserve to live a life of abundance, both financially and spiritually?
  9. What if I am a powerful creator, and I choose to create wealth and abundance in my life?
  10. What if I have a millionaire mindset and attract opportunities that lead to massive financial success?
  11. What if my income is constantly increasing, and I am free from financial worries?
  12. What if I am in control of my finances and make empowered decisions to build wealth?

Astral Travel

Sure, here are the affirmations for astral projection rewritten as “what if” questions:

  1. What if I could easily enter a state of deep relaxation and meditation to prepare for astral projection?
  2. What if I trusted in my ability to astral project and explore the astral plane with ease?
  3. What if I knew that I was completely safe and protected during my astral travels?
  4. What if I could detach from my physical body and enter a state of pure consciousness during my astral projections?
  5. What if I was open and receptive to the guidance of my higher self and spiritual guides during my astral travels?
  6. What if I had a strong and healthy energy body, allowing me to move freely through the astral plane?
  7. What if I could explore different realms and dimensions during my astral projections, gaining knowledge and wisdom from the experience?
  8. What if I released any fears or doubts around astral projection and trusted in the process completely?
  9. What if I was able to control my thoughts and emotions during my astral travels, maintaining a positive and peaceful state of mind?
  10. What if I was grateful for the transformative experiences that come from my astral projections, and open to receiving all the insights and knowledge that they bring?
  11. What if my astral travels left me feeling refreshed, energized, and connected to my higher self and the universe?
  12. What if I was able to easily return to my physical body at the end of each astral projection, feeling grounded and centered?

Lucid Dreaming

  1. What if lucid dreaming comes naturally to me?
  2. What if I easily recognize when I am dreaming?
  3. What if I effortlessly enter a state of lucidity while dreaming?
  4. What if my dream recall is clear and detailed?
  5. What if I use reality checks to confirm my state of dreaming?
  6. What if I am able to shape and direct my dreams according to my desires and goals?
  7. What if I explore and experience new realms of consciousness in my lucid dreams?
  8. What if I engage in meaningful conversations with dream characters and gain valuable insights?
  9. What if I use lucid dreaming to enhance my creativity and problem-solving abilities?
  10. What if I use lucid dreaming for personal growth, healing, and self-discovery?
  11. What if I wake up feeling refreshed and inspired after lucid dreaming adventures?
  12. What if I use lucid dreaming for the benefit of all?


Sure, here are the affirmations for astral projection rewritten as “what if” questions:

  1. What if I am a gifted medium, effortlessly connected to the spiritual realm and open to receiving messages from beyond?
  2. What if my intuition is incredibly strong, and I wholeheartedly trust the guidance I receive from the spirit world?
  3. What if I am a clear and unobstructed channel for communication between the physical and spiritual realms?
  4. What if I wholeheartedly embrace my mediumship abilities with love, compassion, and a strong sense of responsibility?
  5. What if I effortlessly attract positive and supportive spirits who communicate with me for the highest good of all involved?
  6. What if I am constantly open and receptive to expanding my mediumship abilities, developing a deeper and more profound connection with the spirit world?
  7. What if I fearlessly release any doubt or fear, stepping into my innate power as a skilled and confident medium?
  8. What if I am a radiant vessel of divine light, bringing profound comfort and deep healing to those seeking messages from their loved ones?
  9. What if I honor the sacredness of the spirit world, approaching each connection with unwavering reverence and utmost integrity?
  10. What if I am exquisitely attuned to the subtle energies and signs that serve as powerful indicators of the presence of spirits?
  11. What if I am endlessly grateful for the extraordinary divine guidance and wisdom that effortlessly flows through me as a medium?
  12. What if I intentionally use my extraordinary mediumship abilities to bring profound healing, closure, and messages overflowing with love to those who are in dire need?

If seeking to connect with a loved one of your own, you might like one of these:

  1. What if I am open and receptive to connecting with my loved one who is beyond the veil?
  2. What if I trust in the existence of a continued bond and communication with my loved one in the spiritual realm?
  3. What if I believe in the power of love to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual planes?
  4. What if I release any doubts or fears and embrace the possibility of a profound connection with my departed loved one?
  5. What if I create a sacred space within my heart and mind to invite and welcome the presence of my loved one?
  6. What if I quiet my mind, allowing the subtle whispers and signs from my loved one to become clear and recognizable?
  7. What if I open my heart to feel the subtle energetic presence and love of my departed loved one surrounding me?
  8. What if I pay attention to synchronicities and meaningful coincidences that may serve as messages from my loved one?
  9. What if I trust my intuitive impressions and the sensations that arise, knowing they may be communication from my loved one?
  10. What if I cultivate patience and allow the connection with my departed loved one to unfold in its own divine timing?
  11. What if I engage in rituals, such as writing letters or speaking aloud, to express my thoughts and feelings to my loved one?
  12. What if I hold gratitude in my heart for the eternal bond I share with my departed loved one, knowing that love transcends physical boundaries?

How to Make Your Own Iffirmations with AI Assistance

  • Ask chatGPT to create 12 affirmations on your topic
  • Next prompt: rewrite as What if questions.
  • Choose your favorites / tweak the results.


PROMPT: Please give me 36 money affirmations

After receiving the 36, my next move was this…

PROMPT: turn those into what if questions

This is the result:

  1. What if I am a money magnet, effortlessly attracting wealth and abundance into my life?
  2. What if money flows to me easily and consistently, from both expected and unexpected sources?
  3. What if I release all limiting beliefs I have about money and embrace my unlimited potential for wealth?
  4. What if I am truly worthy of financial abundance and success in all areas of my life?
  5. What if I am grateful for the money that comes into my life and manage it wisely?
  6. What if I am open to receiving large sums of money with grace and gratitude?
  7. What if I am aligned with the energy of prosperity and financial freedom?
  8. What if I deserve to live a life of abundance, both financially and spiritually?
  9. What if I am a powerful creator, and I choose to create wealth and abundance in my life?
  10. What if I have a millionaire mindset and attract opportunities that lead to massive financial success?
  11. What if my income is constantly increasing, and I am free from financial worries?
  12. What if I am in control of my finances and make empowered decisions to build wealth?
  13. What if I release any fear or anxiety around money and embrace a mindset of abundance?
  14. What if I am open to receiving money in unexpected and delightful ways?
  15. What if my bank account is a reflection of the value I provide to the world?
  16. What if I attract lucrative opportunities that align with my passions and purpose?
  17. What if money is my friend and supports me in living a fulfilling and joyful life?
  18. What if I am financially independent and have the freedom to live life on my terms?
  19. What if I release any scarcity mentality and embrace an abundant mindset?
  20. What if I am a money-making machine, and my income grows exponentially?
  21. What if I am worthy of charging what I’m worth and receiving abundant compensation for my work?
  22. What if I attract high-paying clients who appreciate and value my skills and expertise?
  23. What if I am a magnet for wealth, and money flows to me effortlessly and consistently?
  24. What if I am open to receiving unexpected financial blessings from the universe?
  25. What if I let go of any past financial mistakes or failures and focus on creating a prosperous future?
  26. What if I am grateful for the money I have and always find ways to increase my wealth?
  27. What if money is a positive force in my life, allowing me to make a difference in the world?
  28. What if I am a successful entrepreneur/businessperson, and my ventures are prosperous and thriving?
  29. What if I am worthy of living a life of luxury, abundance, and financial freedom?
  30. What if I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance, and it manifests in my life?
  31. What if I have the power to create unlimited financial opportunities and success?
  32. What if I am financially secure and have more than enough to share and enjoy?
  33. What if money comes to me easily and effortlessly, in increasing amounts, day by day?
  34. What if I attract money-making ideas and take inspired action to turn them into reality?
  35. What if I have a healthy relationship with money, and it supports my dreams and desires?
  36. What if I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me, and I attract even more wealth into my life?
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