Well That’s Some Trippy Physics You’ve Got There

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In the context of physics, post-materialism explores the idea that the nature of reality extends beyond the purely material and physical. It suggests that there may be deeper layers or dimensions of existence that are not fully accounted for by conventional materialistic views. post-materialism intersects with ideas like cosmopsychism, panpsychism, and unified physics (discussed below) by challenging the purely materialistic worldview and suggesting that there may be non-material dimensions or aspects of reality that are integral to our understanding of the universe. These concepts invite us to explore the possibility of consciousness and non-material phenomena playing fundamental roles in shaping the nature of existence.

Unified physics aims to provide a comprehensive framework that unifies the fundamental forces and particles of the universe. It seeks to understand the underlying principles that govern everything, from the smallest subatomic particles to the vastness of the cosmos.  You can watch more here. Nassim Haramein aims to provide a unified understanding of physics that connects all areas of science… And he’s well on his way to providing a solid ground for unification theory, surpassing the limitations of string theory; He has made progress in predicting the radius of the proton. You likely already know that ancient civilizations had a unified view based on the concept of a fundamental energy, such as chi or prana, at the base of creation. Haramein calls this the planck field. Fluid dynamics of an ether-like field in space can explain phenomena like the double-slit experiment and the behavior of black holes. Haramein’s online courses at the Resonance Science Foundation have been made available for free during the quarantine period, with 20,000+ people currently enrolled. You can enroll too! He has been working on finishing a section of the holographic mass equation that involves scaling to account for different scales in the universe… You know, unifying physics.

When considering the relationship to the older theory of panpsychism — which posits that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of the universe —  unified physics could potentially provide a framework for exploring the interconnectedness of consciousness and physical reality. It raises the possibility that consciousness may not be solely confined to complex biological systems like the human brain but could be present at a fundamental level throughout the fabric of the universe. I mean, it could even mean that our universe exists in conscious awareness:

(Note that at the foundation it’s conscious awareness – formless, non-material… Sounds trippy? Check out the resources at the bottom of this page!)

Contrast the above with the materialistic view:

(Note that at the foundation the materialistic/ Classical Physics view has form / matter / stuff.)

Additionally, I was fortunate to hear Joachim Keppler speak on his theories of cosmopsychism.  Cosmopsychism is a philosophical concept that suggests that the universe itself is conscious or possesses inherent consciousness. It proposes that consciousness is not limited to individual beings or organisms but is a fundamental aspect of the cosmos.

According to cosmopsychism, consciousness is not solely generated by individual minds or localized to specific entities, but rather is an intrinsic property of the universe as a whole. It posits that the entire universe, including its physical processes and structures, participates in a form of consciousness.

You can see an animated GIF that sums this up here, but trust me when I say: This man has done a lot of calculus.

Keppler’s perspective suggests that the universe has a self-awareness or a universal consciousness that underlies and permeates everything within it. It implies that the universe, in its entirety, is a sentient and conscious entity. Proponents of cosmopsychism point out that this perspective can provide a holistic and interconnected view of reality, bridging the gap between the physical and the mental realms. It invites us to reconsider the nature of consciousness and its relationship to the universe, raising profound questions about the origins, nature, and purpose of existence.

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