Havening Explainer video by Jessika Jake

Why Does Trauma Get Encoded in the Brain? video by Jessika Jake

Group Workshops (Virtual)

7 Weeks

Yogi Wellness Series

Each week we will use Havening Techniques, using the popular and easy-to-navigate map of the 7 chakras -- starting with the root, and building new beliefs related to each chakra.


5 Weeks

Embodied EQ

Instead of just learning about EQ, why not truly embody what you are learning. Emotional intelligence starts with emotional self awareness and regulation. We will explore EQ both academically and experientially.


6 Weeks

Embodied Confidence

Instead of just saying you believe something, why not have it feel true in your entire body. Each week we will use Havening Techniques to clear confidence blockers, and then work on building new beliefs, and rehearsing new situations while basking in delta waves.


Contact for More Info!

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Havening SD.

Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

1-on-1 Virtual Sessions:

$387.00 for three private sessions

$749.00 for six private sessions

Jessika Jake's Wellness Certifications

Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner

Certified 6-Phase Meditation Facilitator

Certified Brain Health Professional

(Amen University)

WELCOA Faculty (Alumni)

Jessika is also a certified Reiki Practitioner and a certified Yin Yoga instructor.

Jessika's Client Successes:

Releasing post-accident stress

Overcoming fear of water

Curbing soda consumption

Decreasing physical discomfort

Releasing anger

Increasing confidence (e.g. social, career)

Releasing work stress

Being OK with past failures/ mistakes

Resolving childhood events/ triggers

Curbing fast eating

Decreasing grief over rough breakups

Creating new beliefs

Cultivating positivity

Removing writer's block


I, Jessika Jake, am not a medical professional. If you have a mental disorder or suspect you do, contact your medical professionals. I help people cultivate wellness and resolve stress. I work with derailers, not disorders*. (Though on occasion, licensed therapists send their clients to me. I am happy to speak with your therapist and become a partner in your health.)

*Derailers vs Disorders

Trauma is an emotional, psychological, or physical response to distressing events that leaves a lingering impact on our daily lives. According to estimates, about 70% of adults in the United States have experienced some type of traumatic event at least once in their lives. It's crucial to understand that while trauma is widespread and impactful, it is not, in itself, a disorder. Trauma can derail us emotionally, psychologically, and even physically. As a certified Havening Techniques practitioner—but not a licensed therapist—my focus is on "derailers not disorders." When trauma acts as a derailer, it throws you off your emotional and functional balance. 

However, experiencing trauma can lead to mental health disorders like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), and various forms of anxiety and depression. These disorders are diagnoses that may arise after someone has been exposed to trauma and experiences ongoing symptoms that interfere with their daily functioning. In other words, trauma can be a precursor or contributing factor to a range of psychological disorders, but it is not a disorder in itself. If you have a diagnosed or suspected mental health condition like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), I can refer you to a licensed therapist for specialized care. Within my scope of practice, we'll collaborate using Havening Techniques to 'uninstall' the emotional and psychological encoding left by these derailers. While my approach complements other medical and psychological treatments, it's not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological care.

© copyright 2023-2024

Experience Havening Touch®

Are you seeking science-backed, efficient (fast!), love-aligned ways to address stress, discomfort, blockers and derailers that get in the way of your well-being, peace, confidence, lived-purpose, inner harmony, and connection to something bigger? Look no further.

Havening Touch® is a powerful technique that uses gentle touch on specific points on the body to activate the body's natural delta wave-driven healing and resilience-building response.

Backed by neuroscience, it's the most efficient way we've seen to address stress on the spot and truly release the yuck, the muck, and the stuck that can keep us from feeling our best and showing up in the world to do the same!

(Havening Touch Explainer video by Jessika Jake)

We are all familiar with the narrative -- episodic -- memory process. These are the stories we can recite. Our brain also has a "sense" memory, and the sense-based memories that we encode are stored in different areas of the amygdala, depending on which sense we are talking about -- sight, smell, sound, touch, sensations, etc. When it comes to threat-based encodings you can think of an encoding as a little submarine receptor that pops up and gets "superglued" in place -- indefinitely. But science has found a suprisingly simple way to uninstall (erase) these encodings: targeted, soothing touch!

"Call Back to Love"

Everything our bodies, brains, and minds do is intended to be helpful. Sometimes the effect is more "helpful" (not actually helpful) verses helpful. We consider the body, etc as a biological spacesuit. When there is a "helpful" encoding that is unnecessarily causes us distress, we can call it back to love.

In most cases when you notice something that is imprinted (protectively encoded) with anything other than love, Havening Touch is a quick and lovely way to call this "helpful" imprint back to love.

Havening Touch Resources

Harnessing Electroceuticals to Treat Disorders Arising From Traumatic Stress: Theoretical Considerations Using A Psychosensory Model

Nurturing Touch Technique Shown to Change Brain Activity and Reduce Distress

Healing in Your Hands: Self-Havening Practices to Harness Neuroplasticity, Heal Traumatic Stress, and Build Resilience